Szczecin, Poland
7 december 2022

7 December 2022 at 7.30 p.m. saw the premiere of my new book Mamoon. I am very pleased to be able to share it with fans of my books. This time it’s not just an adventure story, but also a fantasy, aimed at children aged eight to a hundred. What’s Mamoon about? It’s a book about a planet that goes by the name you see in the title.

Mamoon is inhabited by creatures that are very similar to humans. However, they lead very different lives and are able to communicate through their thoughts. They’re happy and live in tune with their planet’s rhythms. Children on Mamoon don’t go to school because school doesn’t exist. But there are teachers – mentors – who are highly respected individuals. The children meet their mentor whenever they want and can ask any question that comes to mind. They learn to find out about the world around them and to contribute to their planet. No one learns by heart, and leisure is a very important part of life.

This is a book about intuition, dreams, telepathy and overcoming time and space. It’s particularly aimed at people who see more, feel more and think more.



Dominika Piasecka - Hampton, PA

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